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Home >> Payment


marked cards

• Receiver:

• Given name:

• Surname:

• Address:

• Tel No:

• Zip code:

• Email:

• After you pay the money, please send emails to us about your payment info, including the MTCN, transfer amount(EURO/USD), sender's name, and your billing address:

• Money Transfer/Control No:

• Your Given name:

• Your Surname:

• Your Tel No:

• Your Address:

• Your zip code:

• Amount:

• FAQ: How to pay via western union?

• 1. Transfer at a western union agent location, you can visit: to find which one is the nearest and fill in a form then send email to us about payment info: MTCN, sender name (First name, Last Name), total amount (EURO) you want to transfer and billing address/ sender country.

• 2. Pay online For the time being, online transfer supported by Australia, Austria, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States. The steps are:

• (1) Access the western Union's home Site: Choose your country.

• (2) Sign in your Western Union account or create a new account to new users.

• (3) Click "send money" then fill in the Money Transfer form, click "continue".

• (4) Fill in the form with your information (billing address, name, phone number, and your card number).